a two-person play

Written, Produced, Performed by Lenny Langley & Lori Hoeft

Starring Lenny Langley as “SUGAR” and Lori Hoeft as “THE SHIT”

Performed live at The Hudson Theatres in Los Angeles

& Streamed Live Online to Global Audiences

Hollywood Fringe Festival

August 2021

55-minutes, three acts


Q+A and Imaginative Storm creativity salon

with James Nave and Allegra Huston

Sugar and S**t is a provocative dark comedy, inspired by true events, that combines memoirs of a sex worker named Sugar and chronicles of an unwanted adoptee named “The S**t,” who ate frosted flakes everyday and never forgave her mother for setting the house on fire. Sugar and S**t, though seemingly from separate worlds, take the audience on a wild whirl through meetings with a variety of deranged characters like nuns, priests, sinners, firemen, tiger poachers, and classic clients at a strip club. Eventually, Sugar and S**t meet on their shared quest for sovereignty, as the show closes with the finality of their freedom.

Fully self-made, directed & funded via successful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaigns, HERE and HERE


“Sugar and Sh*t is an intimate exploration of the inevitability of sh*t in life and the allure of sweetness as its antidote; a medicine that can easily become a poison with over-indulgence.” - Yolande Wakeman, writer

“Raw, bold and full of surprises, Sugar and Sh*t is a treat to the senses. The exploration of relationships through both their narratives was courageous and raw. Lenny as ‘Sugar’ uses dance and conversation while Lori as ‘Sh*t’ uses rich storytelling to mine her memories. I loved having my senses piqued at every turn!” - Tanya Thomas, Actress & Storyteller

“Sugar and Sh*t was so much fun. The stories were raw and honest; distinct, yet subtly woven together. The synergy of the two storytellers, each with their distinct style, yet both equally as charismatic, created a wonderful combination. The show was funny even as it addressed some very serious personal revelations.” - Larry Davidson, Actor & Theatre Artist

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Broadway World

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